About Me
Email: damien.huzard (at) gmail.com
Hi! I’m Damien Huzard, PhD in behavioral neuroscience.
I’m fascinated by bio-behavioral phenotyping, which is considering and describing organisms in their entirerity. I consider myself a “neuro-physio-behaviorist”.
I like doing and trying a lot of stuff, mostly science related.
My main research interests are gravitating around the concepts of Adaptation, Stress, coping strategies, social interactions which are linked to main physiological features such as cardiac regulation and sensory-processing.
I am an advocate for the biobehavioral phenotyping of animal models, pushing for a description over an interpretation of data!
Now, I am focusing on analyzing the skin as (one of) the first interface linking environment and behavioral adaptation.
- I am an expert in behavior: protocols and analysis. I’m moderator of TheBehaviourForum
- I know a few Python libraries: Pandas, Scipy, Seaborn, statsmodel, Dabest, ipywidget …
- I developed one python library (LMT-Widget-Tool) to help non-python-experts analyze live mouse tracker data.
- I combine behavioral tests with physiological parameters, such as ECG/HRV and Skin-Nerve recordings.
My ultimate goal is to improve the way preclinical behavioral research could benefit clinical conditions.
Non-Academic Experience
Founder and CSO
Metadatapp website
Montpellier, France
Founder and CEO
Neuronautix website
Montpellier, France
Dec 2024 - today
Academic/Lab Experience
Senior Postdoc
Labs of E. Bourinet and A. François
Affective touch lab link
Uni Montpellier, Inserm, IGF
Montpellier, France
July 2021 - May 2024
What if the skin and somatosensory system were involved in social deficits of a mouse model of autism?
I was Studying the effects of Affective Touch on mice:
- Analyzing a Shank3-KO mouse model of autism:
- What if sensory deficits at the periphery may be related to reduced sociability?
- Dysregulation of primary somatosensory neurons.
- Links with heart rate variability features?
- Studying the emergence of social interest and its link with vagal components.
- Studying the development of affective touch neurons (C-LTMRs) and their implication on the development of sociability.
Techniques used: Skin-Nerve recordings, Live Mouse Tracker, ECG recordings (HRV analysis), behavioral phenotyping…
Postdoc #1
Jeanneteau Lab
Inserm, IGF
Montpellier, France
February 2019 - February 2021
I was studying social behaviors with two mouse models of Autism (Magel2-KO and Cntnap2-KO).
- Developed the Social Fear Conditioning protocol and the Live Mouse Tracker system in the laboratory.
- Observed higher social fear retention in both mouse models of autism.
- Attempted to reduce social fear with positive social interactions (with different social housing conditions)… It only worked in some specific situations.
PhD Candidate
Sandi Lab (LGC)
EPFL, Switzerland
March 2014 - June 2018
I studied the bio-behavioral phenotype of rats with different stress adaptation profiles:
- Focused on a model of rats selected for differential adaptation profiles to stress.
- Low < Inter < High reaction animals showed different bio-behavioral profiles.
- Validated the use of the lines as an effective way to study neurodevelopment disorders related to stress pathways.
- Demonstrated that both Low and High lines had abnormal heart rate variability (cardiac susceptibility).
- Observed that High line rats had better working memories after aging: “stress helps consolidate memories”, while the Low line rats had impaired learning and deficits in memory reversal: “illustrating negative effects of blunted stress responses”.
- Explored the influence of social buffering and social contagion between rats with different ‘personalities’ by housing them together (still under preparation…).
Master Project
Mumby Lab
Concordia University
Montreal, Canada
July 2012 - October 2013
CSBN Website
The effects of extrinsic stress on somatic markers and behavior are dependent on animal housing conditions, D. Huzard et al., Physiology and Behavior, 2015
- Studied the beneficial effects of Enriched Environments on stressed rats.
- Rats were stressed and then housed in enriched environments in social groups (4 males and 2 females).
- Observed beneficial effects of the enrichment on the behavioral phenotype of the stressed animals.
Academic Education
Master’s Degree in Neuroscience
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
September 2011 - September 2013
GPA: 5.6/6
Bachelor’s Degree in Life Sciences
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
September 2008 - September 2011
The impact of C-tactile low-threshold mechanoreceptors on affective touch and social interactions in mice.
Science Advances, 2022 June 29; Vol 8, Num 26 eabo7566. doi: 10.1126/sciadv.abo7566. PMID: 35767616; PMCID: PMC9242590.
Huzard D, Martin M, Maingret F, Chemin J, Jeanneteau F, Mery PF, Fossat P, Bourinet E, and François A.
Experience and activity-dependent control of glucocorticoid receptors during the stress response in large-scale brain networks.
Stress, 2021 March;24(2):130-153. DOI: 10.1080/10253890.2020.1806226
Huzard D, Rappeneau V, Meijer O.C., Touma C., Arango-Lievano M., Garabedian M.J., Jeanneteau F
Constitutive differences in glucocorticoid responsiveness are related to divergent spatial information processing abilities.
Stress, 2020 Jan;23(1):37-49. doi: 10.1080/10253890.2019.1625885. Epub 2019 Jun 12. PMID: 31187686.
Huzard D, Vouros A, Monari S, Astori S, Vasilaki E, Sandi C.
Control of Social Withdrawal of Mice Deficient for the Autism Gene Magel2 by Restoration of Vasopressin-Oxytocin Dialogue in Septum.
Borie AM, Dromard Y, Dufner D, Pollozi E, Huzard D, …(+7)…, Jeanneteau F.
bioRxiv Link
The link between aberrant hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activity during development and the emergence of aggression—Animal studies.
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 2018 Aug;91:138-152. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.10.008. Epub 2016 Oct 14. PMID: 27751733.
Walker SE*, Papilloud A*, Huzard D*, Sandi C.
*Equal contribution.
Low vagal tone in two rat models of psychopathology involving high or low corticosterone stress responses.
Psychoneuroendocrinology, 2019 Mar;101:101-110. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2018.11.003. Epub 2018 Nov 3. PMID: 30448728.
Huzard D, Ghosal S, Grosse J, Carnevali L, Sgoifo A, Sandi C.
Low empathy-like behaviour in male mice associates with impaired sociability, emotional memory, physiological stress reactivity and variations in neurobiological regulations.
PLoS One, 2017 Dec 4;12(12):e0188907. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0188907. PMID: 29200428; PMCID: PMC5714342.
Laviola G, Zoratto F, Ingiosi D, Carito V, Huzard D, Fiore M, Macrì S.
Urolithin A induces mitophagy and prolongs lifespan in C. elegans and increases muscle function in rodents.
Nature Medicine, 2016 Aug;22(8):879-88. doi: 10.1038/nm.4132. Epub 2016 Jul 11. PMID: 27400265.
Ryu D, Mouchiroud L, Andreux PA, Katsyuba E, Moullan N, Nicolet-Dit-Félix AA, Williams EG, Jha P, Lo Sasso G, Huzard D, Aebischer P, Sandi C, Rinsch C, Auwerx J.
The effects of extrinsic stress on somatic markers and behavior are dependent on animal housing conditions.
Physiology & Behavior, 2015 Nov 1;151:238-45. doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2015.07.018. Epub 2015 Jul 26. PMID: 26220463.
Huzard D, Mumby DG, Sandi C, Poirier GL, van der Kooij MA.
Conferences / Oral and Poster Presentations
- 2023, Nov. - SFETD, Saint-Malo - Oral presentation in the ‘Young Talents’ session: “PRIMARY SOMATOSENSORY NEURONS DYSFUNCTION IN A MOUSE MODEL OF AUTISM”
- 2023, Jan. - EPNA Award special lecture, Eranet meeting, Madrid, presenting this paper
- 2022 - Spin-Days, Sète. Oral Presentation: ‘The skin is the new brain’
- 2022 - FENS, Paris. Poster: ‘The Impact of C-LTMRs on sociability in mice’
- 2022 - Short Communication, GIS Autism Andrew #3
- 2020 - FENS, Virtual. Poster
- 2019 - Invited Talk by Vincent Prevost, Inserm Lille: ‘The links between Stress Adaptation and the personality of rats’
- 2018 - FENS, Berlin. Poster
- 2018 - MATRICS (EU FP7) General Assembly, Oral Presentation, Rome
- 2018 - Webinar for MATRICS EU-FP7 consortium (YouTube Link)
- 2017 - MATRICS (EU FP7) General Assembly, Oral Presentation, Majorca
- 2017 - EPFL Brain-Mind-Institute retreat, Villars, Oral Presentation
- 2016 - FENS, Copenhagen. Poster
- 2016 - MATRICS (EU FP7) General Assembly, Dublin
- 2015 - Ettore Majorama Conference, Stress, the brain and the heart, Erice, Italy
- 2014 - FENS, Milan. Poster
Grants / Awards
- 2023, June - YISS, IGF - Best Speaker Award (€500) ⇒ Cajal MABA Neurokit course
- 2023, March - RFRD 2023 Symposium - Best Presentation Award ⇒ Invitation to the SFETD 2023 conference
- 2023, January - EPNA - ‘Excellent Paper in Neuroscience Award’ from neuron-eranet.eu for our article in Science Advances: Paper Link
- 2021 - 1-year postdoc funding by the Lefoulon-Delalande foundation
- 2020 - FENS attendance voucher
- 2018 - FENS/IBRO Travel Grant
Press / Science Outreach
- Gehirn & Geist Feb 2023, “Die soziale Kraft der Berührung”
Article Link
- Neurosapiens Podcast Nov 2022, on Social contacts
Audio Link
- Cerveaux et Psycho Oct 2022, “Le toucher fondement du lien social”
Online Article Link
- Espiloon 2021, “Le pouvoir des Caresses”, issue N°147
- Canal9 TV channel, TV Interview for documentary on rats’ social behaviors
Reviewing Articles
- 2022 - Frontiers in Neuroscience
- Lilian Basso (Toulouse): Analysis of inflammatory markers in the skin.
- Antoine Besnard (IGF):
- Testing somatosensory responses (Von-Frey filaments) in the context of avoidance in mice.
- Testing active place avoidance (APA) of Shank3 mice.
- Pascal Fossat & François Maingret (Bordeaux): In vivo electrophysiology on C-LTMRs.
- Emmanuel Valjent (IGF): Screening social dynamics in LMT with Amphetamines.
- 2023-Present: Moderator of TheBehaviouralForum.org
- 2023-Present: Member of COST-TEATIME (WG3 & 4): Improving biomedical research by automated behaviour monitoring in the animal home-cage
- 2022-Present: Member of the IGF lab council
- 2021-Present: President of a non-profit association (related to abstract tattoo)
- 2017-2018: Junior representative of the MATRICS FP7 European project (Project Description)
- 2016-2018: Organizer of the EPFL-BMI happy hours
- 2013-2014: Member of the AESV association (Website)
Students Supervised
- 2024: Chloé Granat (Master Student) - Behavior and resposne to affective touch in Shank3 mouse model
- 2023-2024: Giulia Oliva (PhD student) - Behavior and Shank3 mouse model
- 2022-2024: Paul Carrascosa (M2 + 1-year CDD) - Python development of LMT tools (ipywidget); creation of a user-friendly Jupyter notebook for data visualization and stats
- 2023 (2 months): Hasan Lamat (MD internship) - Training (PCRs, behavioral experiments, and scoring analysis)
- 2023 (2 months): Mattéo Traissac (M1) - Python development of LMT tools
- 2020 (6 months): Bérénice Pommier (M2) - Analysis of Social Fear Conditioning in Magel2/Cntnap2 mice models; Brain IHC (Covid period…)
- 2020 (6 months): Fanny Andreu (IUT) - Analysis of Social Fear Conditioning in Magel2/Cntnap2 mice models
- 2016: Astrid Nilsson (Bachelor)
- 2016: Marie Abbet (Bachelor)
- 2015: Ann-Rivière Warter Jouve (Bachelor) - Anxiety-like behavioral test on rats; statistical analysis
- 2015: Hugo Moreno (Bachelor) - Operant conditioning on rats; statistical analysis
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